2019.12.26 Lolo Scrooge
2019.12.19 At first sight
2019.12.12 Brace yourself for the quincentennial
2019.12.05 PAL needs help
2019.11.21 The second time around
2019.11.14 How to spend your Saturdays
2019.11.07 Looking back…
2019.10.31 What Quadricula reveals
2019.10.24 Are Malays lazy?
2019.10.17 It’s urban planning…
2019.10.10 Letter from Maldives
2019.10.03 Police power and tourism
2019.09.26 ‘Open Skies,’ finally?
2019.09.12 The template
2019.09.05 Here ICOM!
2019.08.29 Ambassadors of language
2019.08.22 We need many Mabinis
2019.08.15 No need for peace
2019.08.08 Her cool turbulence
2019.07.25 My imaginary guest speaker
2019.07.18 O, Colonel! My Colonel!
2019.07.11 Mansions of memories
2019.07.04 Denigrating the Constitution
2019.06.27 My new book
2019.06.20 Vietnam. Philippines. Friends
2019.06.13 Living with a millennial
2019.06.06 Anak ng Hue’!!
2019.05.30 158 candles